In the village Vraushpur (Baladia,Kutch, Gujarat), Shri Abjibapashri Anadi Muktaraj of Lord Shri Swaminarayan lived from Vikram Samvat 1901 to 1988 (A.D. 1844 to 1928) during which innumerable souls were blessed by him and liberated to the everlasting bliss of the Lord. His memorial is this Abjibapashri’s Chhatri Place.
When Lord Shri Swaminarayan moved around in human form, He blessed large number of places with his divine activities and His memory was established with such places. From such divine memorable places, divinity is continuously overflowing just as light keeps on emitting from the sun. One such divine place where Lord Swaminarayan’s grace is continuously overflowing is Abjibapashri’s Chhatri, a source of divine bliss.
Lord Shri Swaminarayan moved a lot in Kutch during V.S 1861 to 1867 (A.D.1805 to 1811). He visited Baladia several times. Whenever He visited Baladia, He invariably would go to the pond Kali Talawadi which was surrounded by a number of hill’s and trees. He used to bathe in that pond with His saints and devotees, then sit on a big slab of stone and address them. Looking at the dark water and the peaceful surroundings, the Lord Himself named the pond as Kali (black) Talawadi (pond). The Lord used to convene His followers from all the nearby places, and bless them all by talking to them about His ever-divine form. By the divine touch of the Lord, little pond of Kali Talawadi became an everlasting source of divinity.
The place where Shrihari had blessed Devbaa and promised the manifestation of Bapashri, a small temple was built, and the replica of Shrihari’s footprints was installed by Bapashri. On that occasion Bapashri had proclaimed: “Whosoever pays obeisance here and even a bird flying over this temple shall be granted eternal salvation.”